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Group Configuration

Group Configuration page displays a list of policies. The list can be filtered on the basis of policy name.

How to link a group to a policy?

1. Click + icon of any policy name. Following pop up window will open.

2. Select the groups you want to link with the policy.

Note: You cannot select groups with an employee which is common to those groups.

3. Click Update button. Groups will be linked to the policy.

Impact in Alt Worklife

Lets take an example of a group, Technology_Grade5 (orgunit, grade) with values Alt Admin and Alt Infer for parameter, orgunit and value 5 for parameter, grade under it and Technology_Grade5 group is linked to Pay Structure Assignment Policy.

Now in Alt Worklife, if orgunit, Alt Admin and grade 5 are selected for an employee then Technology_Grade5 group will be automatically mapped with this employee along with the Pay Structure Assignment Policy linked to the group. Therefore, pay structure will be assigned to this employee.